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Get Involved

The success of iHUB is largely dependent upon the community's involvement. Utah has long been known as the top state where its people serve the community.

And an entrepreneur's success in the early stage of his/her business significantly increases when they are paired with a mentor. In fact, 70% of small businesses that receive mentoring survive five years or more, twice the rate of those who don't have mentoring relationships.

Thus, your knowledge and expertise could dramatically increase a young entrepreneur's odds for success. It only takes a hour or so a month. If we all contribute a little, iHUB makes a big difference in Utah County. And if iHUB makes a big difference, then ALL of Utah County benefits.



iHub's Mentor Network is a prestigious group of experienced business professionals who mentor on a regular 1-1 basis 






Industry Expert

Share your marketing, branding, legal, accounting, media, software or other expertise and knowledge by teaching one time workshops and classes to our founders floor.






iHub was created to bless the lives of young entrepreneurs. As such, the iHub Foundation survives off generous gifts from individuals, families, foundations and businesses in this community who share our vision. Donations can be monthly, annual or one time.

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